Angular Blog

The latest news and tips from the Angular team

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Angular team at Google

Minko Gechev

Product and DevRel lead for Angular at Google.

Mark Thompson (@marktechson)

Mark is a Developer Advocate on the Angular Team at Google.

Simona Cotin

Cloud Developer Advocate @Microsoft

Latest Posts

Event Dispatch in Angular

Authors: Jatin Ramanathan, Tom Wilkinson

Angular and Wiz Are Better Together

Authors: Jatin Ramanathan, Minko Gechev

Meet Angular’s new output() API

Angular v17.3 introduces the improved API for declaring outputs as a developer preview.

Angular with NativeScript: Creating the Blackout Lighting Console

Lighting consoles are electronic devices used in theatrical lighting design to control multiple stage lights at once. Traditionally…

Signal inputs available in developer preview

The new inputs provide developers with new ways that:

Angular v17.2 is now available

We rarely write blog posts about minor releases, but today we have a few surprises for you — experimental support for Material 3, signal…

Material 3 Experimental Support in Angular 17.2

We’re thrilled to announce that Angular 17.2 features experimental support for Material 3 theming in Angular Material.

Angular Developer Survey 2023

Over the past year we’ve been evolving Angular based on developer feedback and community trends. We receive developer feedback from dozens…

Introducing Puppeteer Schematics: Test Your Angular Apps with Ease

Integrate Puppeteer seamlessly in your Angular projects with the new @puppeteer/ng-schematics!

Check out Angular’s support for the View Transitions API

When a user navigates from one route to another, the Angular Router maps the URL path to the relevant component and displays its view…


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