Blai Pratdesaba

I’m @bpratdesaba, head of Technology at MMOB

Blai Pratdesaba

Head of Technology at MMOB.

Latest Posts

Graceful shutdown of Node.js Express applications for zero-downtime deployments

In this article, we’ll explore how to prepare an Express server to gracefully shutdown.

React Typescript cheatsheet: form elements and onChange event types

Quick cheat sheet with all the typings used for React forms.

How to use your own fork from a node module library

Recently I came to a specific case where an SDK from a company was a bit outdated, missing an extra parameter available on their API that…

Notes on our current React stack

Last week I met with another developer that was asking for advice about my experience with React. I owe him an email but I decided to write…

Four things I want to explain to my past self as a Frontend Developer

I’ve been working some years already as a noble Front End Developer. During those years I’ve noticed two things:

Notes on transitioning from Angular to React: the good parts and the bad parts

Last month I’ve released my first project built on top of React & Flux. I’ve spent my last year working on an Angular single page webapp…

How to write optimal Git commit messages, from Atom contributing guideline.

Since I found them, I’ve been quite happy using the following advice found in Atom Guidelines:


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