Buffer Stories
Our journey to greater productivity, more transparency, and a happier work culture.

Buffer is a suite of products to help you build your brand and connect with your customers online. Come say hi and see what we’re about at buffer.com.

Kevan Lee
VP of marketing at Oyster. Hi there!

Courtney Seiter
People & culture @buffer. Often reflecting on workplace culture, creativity and equality.

Joel Gascoigne
Co-founder and CEO of @buffer. Say hello on Twitter @joelgascoigne.

Hailley Griffis
Head of Public Relations @Buffer, Podcast Co-Host @mworkwork, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Ashley Read
Editorial at Buffer. Trying to make a life, not just a living.

Alfred Lua
Building Dashibase

Brian G. Peters
Ecosystem Partnerships Lead at Shopify | Outdoorist | Husband to Superwoman | Dad to Dierks | briangreggpeters.com | https://twitter.com/brian_g_peters
Latest Posts

Should you call your teammates “family”?
Author’s Note: This is a personal opinion piece and not necessarily the feeling of all teammates at Buffer.

Continuing to Improve on Pay: Our Latest Changes to the Salary Formula and How Much it Costs
We live in a world where things are constantly changing, and Buffer is no exception, especially when it comes to how we pay our team!

How Individuals Advance at Buffer, Without Becoming Managers
The concept of a career path at Buffer has changed a lot over the past seven years.

How We Organize Remote Team Meetups at Buffer
Experimentation and iteration lie at the heart of a lot of things we do at Buffer. If you’ve been following the Open Blog for some time, or…

How to Measure Your Team’s Satisfaction at Work
Here at Buffer, we believe that what gets measured, gets managed. That’s important because, with effective management and oversight, we…

Empowered Accountability: How to Scale a Team & Its Autonomy
Growing pains. Every company gets them, and the pains come in all sorts of ways, from the tactical (tools) to the philosophical (this…

Product Marketing: Continuous Improvements or Big Launch?
Among the many existential questions of building and distributing software is the question of product marketing. What even is product…

The Most Common Questions About Working at Buffer
When you experiment with work culture as much as we do at Buffer, you tend to receive a lot of questions about it.

From Maker to Manager: How to Take the Leap
Almost two years ago, I fell into becoming a manager.

Why Great Managers Matter
Having managers isn’t something we do at Buffer just because it’s what other companies usually do. We’ve always been proud to be different…
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