Cocoon Pro

Evolution at work

Claudia Pellicori

Development Coach and Growth Facilitator. I work with organisations and people for their evolution.

Cocoon Pro staff

This is the account of our staff at Cocoon Pro, enriching and updating our contents here:

Emanuele Rapisarda

Work better, achieve your goals and be satisfied. My mission. My passion. Working with @cocoonpro for a value driven evolution.

Stelio Verzera

Earthwalker. Serenity gardener. Fostering #openness and #ecothinking @CocoonPro. #people #evolution #work #life #passion

Alessandra Cianchettini

Innovation #coach at Cocoon Pro and beauty and excellence lover. I work with passion to support #teams and people in their #evolution work path.

Guido Martini

UX and visual designer | member @CocoonPro

Letizia Piangerelli

On a mission to keep sense of wonder alive. Making and Writing | Team member & Facilitator @CocoonPro

Iñaki Pérez

Entrepreneur, in love with people and teams in organizations. My goal is to learn every day. I love the Basque Country and I am happy anywhere in the world


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