
Updates and ideas from the Datasmoothie team

Geir Freysson

Co-founder of Datasmoothie. I also maintain the open-source survey data library Quantipy and it’s enterprise equivalent Tally.

Latest Posts

Generate PowerPoint slides from Unicom data with Python

Script Python (or any other language) to generate dozens of slides in multiple languages with the API for research data automation

Use interactive dashboards to give your pitch the advantage

When a Request for Proposal hits your inbox, how do you rise above the competition?

Automate data processing and deliverables from live Nebu data

Datasmoothie’s Tally, the API for survey data, helps bring online surveys into your data pipeline

Automate the survey data pipeline with python

Incorporate data from all the major survey data providers into your data pipeline with Tally, the API for survey data

Bringing modern dev-ops practices to survey data analysis

How the next Docker revolution can benefit survey data analysis

Automatically create slideshows and dashboards from survey data in seconds

Generate multitudes of decks and dashboards in a few clicks

Interactive visualisation of voting intentions for the general election

Datasmoothie teams up with DeltaPoll to create interactive poll results in the final week of the campaign

Blockchain attitudes according to the 2019 Stackoverflow survey

Most think it’s useful, but Europeans worry about energy use

Visualising latte-lapping hipsters in the Reykjavík mayoral election

The Icelandic version of hipster-shaming is calling people who live in the city centre or the Old West Town the latte lapping crowd…

Borgarstjórnarkosningar — Hvert mun óákveðna fylgið fara

Er möguleiki fyrir flokkana að nýta sér upplýsingar úr skoðanakönnunum til þess að veita Samfylkingunni samkeppni um að verða stærsti…


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