Lives up to the promise of "Diversity, Synergy, Fusion, Serendipity," and values readers' feedback

It’s not just a publication — it’s a community. It is an open community where the rules are few, but mutual respect and kindness are a core value.

There’s a Slack channel and some lively discussions among contributors on everything from feedback on one another’s articles, how-to and why-to advice on all the aspects of Medium (and Slack) for new writers, and ideas for encouraging and promoting others within and outside of the group. As ILLUMINATION’s founder, Dr Mehmet Yildiz writes, “We have a diverse set of writers and editors reflecting insights from various domains and disciplines. They share and engage. Meeting them can give you new perspectives.” Honestly, you’ve probably already met some of us.

There is emphasis on interacting and engaging with one another and with readers, and all of the contributors seek and value input from readers/followers.


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