
Indigo Engineering Blog

Justin Rice

Founder and CTO @ | DJ @ DJ White Rice | You May say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not.

Adam Conrad

Front-end / UX Consultant. Formerly @StarStreet / @PlayDraft (Acq. by @PPBetfair), @GoCatalant, @CoachUp, @Vistaprint & @Microsoft

Nathanael Beisiegel

Developer at @IndigoAg.

Celena Toon

Front-End Software Engineer @ Indigo Ag.

Sean Dearnaley

I have worked on different applications for the music industry, government, education and agriculture.

Miriam Speert Crowley

Analytical software engineer always asking questions. I love finding better ways to do things and am a GTD aficionado.


Emerging platforms engineer & enthusiasm!

Isaac Vidas

Software development, python, data, scraping, dinosaurs and pirates...

Keith Ma

Your friendly neighborhood data scientist and software Engineer. I work at Indigo Ag building tools for large-scale agriculture analytics from space.

Sheila Porter

she/her/hers • software developer • dabbler in many hobbies • generally excitable person

Tony Mottaz

Senior front end engineer for Indigo Ag


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