IxDA Berlin

The happenings of IxDA Berlin

Andre Jay Meissner

“Jay”, Metalhead, Woodworker, DIR diver. HMI since 1989. Father, co-founder of #IxDD and @opendesignis , local leader of @IxDAb , fuelling @ODL .

Audrey Liehn

Service & UX Designer at www.si-labs.com & organizer of https://medium.com/ixda-berlin .

Thomas Kueber

Humanizing technolgy on byte at a time. Passionate about doing hard things. Part of Designit by day and IxDA Berlin by night.

Kathryn Hing

Formerly @IDAGIO @Volkswagen @JoinCOUP. Avid Knitter and Mandolin Player. @tudelft alumni.


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