Why the Press Will Never Get to the Bottom of Trump's Lies.

Dear Mother Jones,

I hope it is acceptable for me to submit the following two articles. I submit them to Mother Jones because of your "fearless" reputation.

I have masters degrees in politics, communication and psychology - these three influence meet as I look in both articles at the impact of Trump's mental illness on an industry focussed on "fact checking". While there is reticence in the press to address Trump's narcissism, it is a major factor contributing to his behavior, specifically to his distortions of reality and how reporters respond. One way or another, discussion about this "elephant inside the beltway" needs to enter the public dialogue.

The first article is more profession and suggests that disengaging from the fact checking would open the door for the press to begin a more bottom-up focus on new sources, (less pre-occupied with the President's twitter feed). The second article is more personal, drawing on personal history growing up with narcissism and how that lens gives me some perspective on what is happening in the press.

I welcome your consideration and apologize if this is the wrong place to submit my writing. I welcome redirection!

https://medium.com/@karinswann/the-press-needs-to-stop-reporting-on-trumps-distortions-crash-course-in-narcissism-8932c7875ca7 https://medium.com/@karinswann/media-matters-truth-lies-and-narcissism-760f3370388e

Thank you, Karin Swann


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