The Narrative
What’s your story?

Katy Velvet
Freelance writer with a lifetime of stories about mental health, gender inequality and an incurable obsession with cats.

Kristi Keller
Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story. https://wildhoodwanted.substack.com/

Anna Rozwadowska
Owner, Editor of Perfected Poetry, Hallow Literary, Storymaker, Literally Literary. Top Writer in Poetry. Writer, photographer, psychic and spiritual guide.

Gina Gallois
Award-winning children’s author, autism mama, feminist pirate, over-thinker, lover of audiobooks, crochet addict. She/her. bit.ly/ginagalloisauthor

Leslie Wibberley
Physiotherapist/Proud mama/happy wife Storyteller, finding magic in the everyday world. Repped by the extraordinary Naomi Davis of Bookends Literary

Alfie Jane
Forever Middle Child writing what she sees. https://alfiejaneadventures.medium.com/membership

Michelle Monet
Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: 1020monet@gmail.com

Shelly McIntosh
Writes about life and relationships. Cats feature prominently in her satire pieces.

Jenny Justice
Writer| Mom | Poet | Book Nerd | Teacher? | Brings Poetry to life with empathy, connection, joy, justice, and feeling. Poetry Fangirl

Gillian May
Subscribe to my email list here on Medium to stay in touch with my work, future books, publications, and offerings. https://gillianmay.ca/subscribe

Robin Harwick, Ph.D.
Author, Educator, Researcher, Survivor, and Youth & Family Advocate. robinharwick.com

Ashley Evenson
Storyteller | Theatre | Relationships | Books | Mental Health | Body Positivity | Entrepreneur | @BroadsNonGrata @UnabashedlyAshley

Joel Brown
My favourite topics walking, photography, motivation, ideas, and writing. Let’s have Coffee @ https://ko-fi.com/joel_brown

James Garside
Freelance journalist, author, and travel writer. I help writers and artists to do their best work. Let's be part of each other's stories. jamesgarside.net/links

Martha Marvels
Today I define myself as marvellous — that’s all. I write about my experiences some less than marvellous sometimes more.

Rasheed Hooda
Self-proclaimed weirdo. Jack of Many Trades, Master of Some. Author, Speaker, Photographer. He walked on Route 66 Chicago to L.A. https://ko-fi.com/misterweirdo

Sherry McGuinn
Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado. sherrymcguinn@gmail.com

Erika Burkhalter
Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)

Dr Margaretha Montagu
Life Transitions, Challenges and Changes facilitated by Dr M Montagu and her horses: Courses, Books and Retreats in France

Joanne B. Reid
A reluctant writer in a constant state of self-improvement with a lot to say and a total lack of focus.

Chloe Cuthbert
Available for freelance writing projects — Contact: ccuthbertauthor@gmail.com /Posts may contain affiliate links.

Clarissa Wilson
I have been a professional writer for 17 years. I live alone with my 5 dogs. I'm working as a cam model now for Streamates Models, Only Fans, and Tempted, &Cam4

Ryan Fan
Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:35 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.”

The Kristen David
Mentor, Guru, Ass-Kicker, International Speaker, Writer, Marketing & Management Advisor for Business Owners.

Traverse Davies
I do survival, self-publishing consultation, and writing. Check out my blog: https://dreamtime.logic11.com

Jan M Flynn
Writer & educator. The Startup, Writing Cooperative, P.S. I Love You, The Ascent, more. Award-winning short fiction. Visit me at www.JanMFlynn.net.

Ayesha Tariq
Mother | Macro & Investment Strategist | Co-Founder, MacroVisor | Contributor on Bloomberg & Fox Business | Ex Corporate Banker

Jenny Mahan
Home Care RN, multi-passionate author, accidental poet, singer/songwriter, artisan soap maker, chicken wrangler, gardener, & reluctant runner www.jennymahan.com
Nikki Tate
Author 40 books, creativity coach, storyteller exploring the world living the dream! Helping you find and tell your story. Writing group: WritersOnFire.net

Andrew Dacey
London-based writer and storyteller. Striving to use my personal experiences to make connections. Geek and avid tabletop gamer. With the odd political post.

Melissa Miles McCarter
Mental health, family, pop culture, feminism, and more. Editor, Popoff.us & Fatdaddysfarm.org linktr.ee/lissahoop melissaonmedium@gmail.com

Marla Bishop
Londoner, philosophy graduate, journalist, relationship coach, wife & mother. MA in Novel Writing; working on 1st novel. Follow me: https://linktr.ee/Marla

Joseph Serwach
Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://medium.com/@serwachjoe

Meghan James
A lesbian twenty-something who loves to challenge mainstream thinking and beliefs. It’s not personal, I promise.

Rebecca Kojetin
Life and Wellness Coach and Writer. I work with people to help them become the best version of themselves.

Christina M. Ward
✨WEBSITE: https://fiddleheadsnfloss.com/ ➡️ Bylines: LA Weekly | OK! Mag | Village Voice | Men's Journal | Vegamour | THS 📖Books available on Amazon

Tiziana Arnone
“I write what I couldn’t tell anyone”. writer. poet, observer. Relationship. Parenting. Personal Growth. Enchanted with life. Thin Skin/amazon.com

Helen Cassidy Page
Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: https://www.HelenCassidyPageBooks.com

Ira Singh
Writer, Dreamer, Perpetual Learner- I write to give hope to the aspiring hearts.

Lizzie Finn
I write, create, instruct. My curiosity is expansive — health, happiness, relationships, spirituality, TV/film, psychedelics, feminism, neuroscience, life.

Futurist. AI-driven Dadaist. Living in Germany, loving Japan, AI, mysteries, books, and stuff. Writing since 2017 about creative use of AI.

Deidre Delpino Dykes
Maryland Birdmancer, queer, speculative fiction author/editor, TTRPG player/GM, actually just three birds in a trench coat.

Shannon Hampton
I'm figuring it out as I go.

Pablo Camacho
Storyteller. Poet. I (mostly) write about love, self-discovery, personal growth, and creativity. Award-winning author of eight books: philosopherbynight.com

Matilda Fairholm
Writing to rescue others from the devastation of domestic abuse, and learning to live better. https://matildafairholm.medium.com/membership

Marilyn Flower
Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer? https://linktr.ee/marilynflower

Leslie Lozada
A writer from the tender age of 10. Writer, editor for Medium and Editor In Chief of NEIU’s Independent. Connection: https://linktr.ee/theLeslieLozada

Melinda Crow
30-year freelancer. Found on: Newsweek, The Points Guy, Cruise Critic, MSN Travel, Writing Cooperative. Falcon Guide author. https://melindacrow.substack.com/

Jackie Dana
Freelance writer & author who believes in the power of dreams. Writes (mostly) about creativity & storytelling. Find her at storycauldron.substack.com.

Lorie Kleiner Eckert
Lorie writes slice-of-life stories from a baby boomer’s point of view. You can find her books, art work — and more — on her website, LorieKleinerEckert.com.

KP Hartman
He’s a bit of a walking contradiction and has never done anything quite in line with the rules. Find him on Twitter @kp_hartman or IG @mydarlingsimplicity

Isabel Orozco
Passionately curious

John Rutherford
“Sometimes it’s worth destroying something if it makes it right.” — HW Malwhether

Alexandra .
Fairy tale teller, new starts professional, relationship developer.

Christine Macdonald
Former hot mess. Current award winning author. MY SOCIALS: https://linktr.ee/thatgalkiki

Andrew Clark
Writer and musician based in London, UK.

Edwina Owens Elliott
Illustrator, graphic designer, indie author. A creature of habit but our evolution continues.

Tara Rose
Life-long learner, reader of all things. Writing about what interests me and sharing it with you. https://taramrose.medium.com/subscribe

Mallory J. Dominic
Forever having too many thoughts on my mind. The good and the bad, I’m writing them down as keepsakes — in hope to inspire me and you to be better each day.

Sarah K. Butterfield
Writer, speaker, and ministry leader. Always seeking to empower others at http://sarahkbutterfield.com

Brandon C.
Writer | Musician | ADHDer | Host of the Fixated podcast | Editor of Fixated: Personal Stories of ADHD

Victoria Ponte
Writing to share wonder, gratitude and a sense of humor. Poetry, life lessons, survivor https://www.youtube.com/@victoriaponteagain?sub_confirmation=1
Tommy Ueland
Father, writer, aspiring blogger, connoisseur of everyday joy and professional procrastinator.

Pierre Roustan
Prolific writer, published author, editor, experienced copywriter, and avid reader http://medium.com/pierre-roustan http://scaryhorrorstuff.com

M. C. Rose
A writer who believes in the transcendent power of poetry.

Mother, educator, reader, occasional writer, and activist — who are you?

Victoria Brase
A mom who writes, just got her Masters degree (Public Health), and wants to go back for her PhD, because she is crazy.

Christine Schoenwald
Writer for The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Next Avenue, Business Insider, and Your Tango Christineschoenwaldwriter.com

Jane Henkels
Lifelong artist and performer who changed lanes into cybersecurity

Kathryn Williams
Writer, singer, adventure seeker, world traveler, nerd, animal enthusiast finding the beauty in life and navigating the rough waters of faith and anxiety.

Fabiola Gallerani, Ph.D.
I write with heart, humanity, and integrity. Fave topics: emotional journeys & landscapes, life & its sticky lessons, relationships, & travel.

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