Not Porn

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“In fact, by the age of twenty, the elite posters had each totaled ten thousand posts online.” -Malcolm Gladwell

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The last dance, doc I imagine.

Forgot to click submit on this in 2020, oh well.

How Respectfully Disagree on Politics.

America has a problem. A glaring, pervasive defect that threatens to tear this otherwise perfect country asunder. I am speaking of course…

Dilbert Would Never Vote For Trum

My relationship with Dilbert is complicated. Growing up half-American, in not America, back in the dial-up days, this country felt like a…

“WHY’S. THAT. TRENDING?” — The Game Show For Anyone Who Hasn’t Checked Twitter In a Couple Hours.

HOST: Hello and welcome back to “WHY’S. THAT. TRENDING?” The game show that pits people who haven’t been online in two to three hours…

Italians we should celebrate instead of Christopher Columbus

Marco Polo: Traveled all the way to Asia and didn’t ruin everyone’s life while there. The bar is low Marco, but you’ve grazed over it for…

A day in the life at’s office

I’m in the waiting room of NotPorn’s, luxurious Manhattan headquarters; seated on a leather couch beside David Sedaris.


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