PicCollage Company Blog
Stories of how we build our products and our team

make anything to celebrate everything.

PicCollage 拼貼趣 Product Designer, https://www.behance.net/waychang, https://dribbble.com/waychang

Chris Chen
Design for relationship

我不寫 CSS. https://codecharms.me

Account for using Medium Cardinal Blue

John Fan
Cofounder and CEO of PicCollage
Latest Posts

Faster Machine Learning Deployments: Why We Disabled GKE Image Streaming
Written by: K Alnajar, Machine Learning Ops Engineer.

Life at PicCollage: A Look at Our Dev Sessions and Workshops
Written by: Laurence James, Operations Specialist

What does the User Research Team do at PicCollage?
Hello, we are Kelsy and Gina Hsu, from the User Researcher team at PicCollage! We are very excited to share with you what it’s like working…

#實習【不好解釋但我先試試 — 在 PicCollage 的 Product Intern 究竟在做什麼?】
從今年年初,以 Product Intern 的身份加入 PicCollage Company 已快滿八個月,趁著季度之間的轉換,試著捕捉加入至今的經驗與反思。

PicCollage拼貼趣實習經驗|Things I learned as a Product Testing Intern @PicCollage !

我在 PicCollage 擔任 Design Engineer (設計工程師) 的二週年紀錄
大家好我是立秦,以設計工程師的職位加入 PicCollage…

5 種不同主題的線上活動提案

PicCollage Server Team:開放的溝通,打造彼此信任的團隊! — Backend Developer 專訪
PicCollage App 目前在全球下載量超過兩億六千萬,每月約有一千五百萬名活躍用戶透過 PicCollage App…

PicCollage: Growing a Culture of Learning, Exploration, and Trust
Written by Kobe Tseng (Operation Specialist at PicCollage)

豪發「十萬學習金」,支持 Always be Learning 🧠
「 Always be Learning 一直是團隊重要的核心價值。」在上週的團隊 Team Meeting 時,CEO John 接著開場白後宣布「今年…我們決定額外發出 10…
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