Pixels Camp

3 days on non-stop tech, talks, and a 48-hour programming challenge

Celso Martinho

Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perception. Geek. CEO and Founder of Bright Pixel



Rui Carmo

I fix things other people designed broken — be they products or entire companies.



Carlos Rodrigues

Software maker and systems wrangler. Curious. Pragmatic. Skeptic.

Latest Posts

About Pixels Camp v4.0

We’ve made the difficult decision to cancel Pixels Camp v4.0 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Read on for the reasoning behind it…

The Quiz Challenges

The last of the quizshow qualifier challenges just closed and it’s time to look back and see what participants had to go through.

Pixels Camp Postponed

You guessed it, we’re gonna have to postpone this year’s edition of Pixels Camp.

Chasing Ghosts 4

Here we are again; it’s 2020, but our hearts still miss the 90s and the classic games from the arcades. In a world of mega-cinematic…

Featured Partner Zoi

Zoi brings infinite possibilities to Pixels Camp

Featured partner EDP

EDP is an international utility based in Portugal that produces, distributes and provides electricity and gas. EDP is present in 19…

Featured Partner Nuxeo

This year we are fortunate enough to have a volunteer sponsor helping us with…. The volunteers! And it’s a geeky tech sponsor, so they are…

The Quiz Season is Coming!

In a few days’ time your productivity will plummet, and that’s actually a good thing!

The history of the Pixels Camp hackathon voting system

Voting systems for contests and hackathons are always a challenge, and at Pixels Camp it was no different. Here is a brief history of…

How do the screens at Pixels Camp work?

Do you remember all those screens we usually have spread around the venue at each Pixels Camp showing useful information, alerts…


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