A collection of articles focused on the art of game making.

Collin Cummings
CEO & Founder of PlayWell. Designer of joyful things. Insatiably curious. playwell.co
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Creative Mornings
PlayWell teamed up with Creative Mornings to host an event we call a Micro Game Jam over bagels and coffee.

No Man’s Sky and the Beautiful Return to the Weird
I remember when Seaman came out. I was just out of High School. I had taken a pause from video games in my personal life, but always stayed…

PlayWell Podcast #20 — Matt Nava of Abzu Swimming in Discovery
It seems like we’ve been trying to find where games and art meet for years. While this endless discussion tends to yield more questions…

Games are the Most Important Design Tool that No One is Using.
If you’re serious about the future of ideas, you should be thinking seriously about games.

On Overwatch and Worldbuilding
It’s no surprise that Overwatch is fantastic. The gameplay is, without a doubt, incredibly fun and addictive. What really sticks with me…

Your Startup’s Next Hire: A Game Designer
There’s something I see that most game makers I meet don’t. It’s a significant empty space that we’re waiting for you to fill, but you…

Dear Hungry Game Maker, Don’t Do Spec Work
This morning, I got caught up in two different reddit threads about game devs doing free or spec work. In one case, the person was offering…

Ideas Don’t Make Good Games, People Do
If you want a chance at making a successful game, take this advice.

How to Win a Debate: Lessons From the First Games Debate Club
Last night, we teamed up with Technically Brooklyn and held our first ever Games Debate Club at The Yard in Williamsburg. We don’t know of…

Why It’s Still Hard to Make It in Games (and What to Do About It)
Why is it still hard to make it as a game developer?
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