Sentinel Hub Blog
Stories from the next generation satellite imagery platform
Matej Batič
A bit of a coffee addict. Tackling EO.
Sabina Dolenc
If you focus on the smallest details, you never get the big picture right. But sometimes exactly that makes everything simply beautiful. #EarthObservation
Anze Zupanc
Physicist | Data Scientist | Problems Solver
Matic Lubej
Data Scientist from Slovenia with a Background in Particle Physics.
Pierre Markuse
Never stop being curious! Usually talking about remote sensing and its applications. Flickr with satellite images:
Devis Peressutti
Data scientist passionate about earth and medical images.
Maxim Lamare
Earth Observation Scientist
Max Kampen
Remote Sensing Engineer
Dorothy Rono
GIS/Remote Sensing Engineer
Nejc Vesel
Data scientist @ Sinergise
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