Publications tagged `OCEANS`
Name Followers
World Ocean Forum Fresh ideas, new solutions, serious, provocative, and imaginative conversations about the future of the ocean. An active forum of unexpected ideas, opinion, ideas, proposals for change in ocean policy and action worldwide. 211
Our Ocean, Our Future Conserving and managing the marine biodiversity of our oceans is a monumental task that few countries have the capacity to do on their own. WCS is responding by investing in ocean protection, sustainable fisheries, and marine species conservation where the need is greatest 206
Saildrone Saildrone collects in-situ observations from the world's oceans using a global fleet of autonomous wind and solar-powered vehicles. This new dataset is helping us improve the understanding of planetary systems that affect humanity. 35
Sea Stories Sailing, surfing, ocean experiences, fiction, non-fiction, sprinkled with life lessons. 24 Early stage oceantech fund in Norway 19
Pacific Currents Pacific region ocean and coastal news from Sea Grant. Sea Grant is a national network of 34 university-based programs and the National Sea Grant Library. The Pacific region is served by seven programs: Alaska, California, Guam, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, and USC. 17
Maiden Voyage Stories about early 20th century ocean liners. 17
The Endless Blue Tales from the sea — stories about surfing, sailing, and the ocean 13
Data Diving Where data science and marine biology intersect. While squarely support ocean conservation, we understand that moral duty alone won’t drive change. So, we’ll simply explain what the data say and let you make the calls. 1
Sixteen Going On Sixty I’m in my 50’s. I enjoy hanging out with my grandkids, puttering around in the garden, and other old man things. I also enjoy skateboarding and playing heavy metal guitar. This is a place to write about those things, and everything in between. 1
Mostly Search Stories, experiences, and tales from the Search and Rescue Community 0