Publications tagged `NEURAL NETWORKS`
Name Followers
cvrs.notepad A place where we keep our notes on DL 5
DiveDeepAI Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning articles are at the heart of our medium collection, because it’s what we love to talk about. The engineers of DiveDeepAI created this section as a way for us all to share knowledge with each other and learn more together! 5
LatticeFlow LatticeFlow is a company founded by leading researchers from ETH Zurich. The company is building the world’s first product that enables AI companies to deliver trustworthy AI models. To learn more, visit 4
Artifical Mind Follow us to learn Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques. We also curate high quality contents in the areas of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. 3
TruLens TruLens provides explainability for neural network machine learning models. We’re building a community of developers that are driving AI forward. 3 An young Engineer(Yes. Not an CS grad!) loves to share the learning journey. for beginners from the beginner. 2
Atha Data Science In Sanskrit, each auspicious moment of undertaking begins with the word “atha” — it means now, right now, only after everything that led to this exact moment. This blog is where you can follow my undertaking of the journey to becoming a Data Scientist. 2
Qdrant We write about vector similarity search technology, metric learning and the projects you can build with them. Talk about neural network encoder training techniques that are changing entire industries. 1
pyDataScience Discussing the various techniques, applications and advancement in data science, with major interest in data analytics, machine learning and deep neural networks. 0
Machine Learning from scratch Making machine learning concepts easy to understand and use with day to day applications. 0