Publications tagged `WEB`
Name Followers
SRMKZILLA The official Mozilla Campus Club promoting the power of Open Source in and around the campus of SRMIST, Chennai. 56
The Interconnected Writing about being humans working on the web 46
Kaartje2go Tech @ Kaartje2go 26
Livesport Dev Od vývojářů pro vývojáře. 19
Sikilabshq Tech from a different perspective 17
CNK Tech Everything about Code and Desing 16
CodeWriters High-quality web development content, covering all web dev — from JavaScript to the cloud. Written using CodeWrite. 15
Web For You A blog by some students learning web development 9
East Pole Distributed reflections of the third kind 7
Blogging and Web Cultures German/Russian 4820/DST 4005 6
Unikorns Magazine Hello, we’re Unikorns — tech geeks, design lovers, investigators, and passionate creators. 6
What a time to be alive! We’re going to do our best to unpack the state of 2019 and beyond, so hop in and we’ll explain where we’re going on the way. 3
What a time to be alive! Millennial (aka person under 40), communications professional, obsessed with the web, politics, policy and technology. Single-handedly responsible for killing department stores, bar soap, Applebee's, etc… 2 Online privacy in the European Union 2