Publications tagged `CIVIC ENGAGEMENT`
Name Followers
Constitutional Rights Foundation Constitutional Rights Foundation is a non-partisan nonprofit committed to educating young people to become active and responsible participants in our democracy. 6
OakCDL Oakland Civic Design Lab 5
Vidaloop We build technology solutions that reduce voting barriers and strengthen American democracy. 5
Find Out Why We interview experts on contemporary issues: the new culture on the Internet, digital literacy, high quality journalism, critical thinking, evidence based online content, mis(dis)information online, AI, data governance and other relevant topics. 2
Electo Electo is an iOS and Android app designed to keep Americans informed. Follow to join our community. 1
Tart of War Welcome to the blog version of the Tart of War, my newsletter on political decision-making. Here, you’ll find thoughts on civic engagement, political literacy, political psychology, and more. 1