Publications tagged `GIS`
Name Followers
Runic Software Some learnings about how to make somethings work 18
NGIS Australia At NGIS, we are passionate about the power of geospatial technology — from something as humble as a customised Google Map, to an advanced Earth Observations project that has the ability to enact positive change at a global scale. 11
Spatial Information If you find spatial data, maps or geographic information systems interesting, follow this publication. 8
Kray Collection of projects on GIS, programming, and anything else of note. 8
New Light Technologies New Light Technologies (NLT) provides enterprise information solutions that combine Information Technology (IT) ingenuity and industry intelligence to drive high-performance results for our clients. We help commercial companies and governments at the federal, state, and local lev 6
Soulweb Academy Dev/Coding Academy, with a focus on Data Science, GIS, Web and Mobile development. 5
plotwise The next-generation planning infrastructure for scheduled and on-demand deliveries. 4
Fieldshare Fieldshare is a software company that provides cloud-based data aggregation software with GIS capabilities. Here our team shares an array of thoughts with others. 4
Parcels and Land Records Insight for data creators and any user that wants to view or analyze information about who owns the land, how it is used, what are taxes, or discover and explore their neighborhood. 3
Found Spatial Spatial perspectives for topics of all kind. 2
ViRGiS Team ViRGiS is a Platform for visualizing and manipulating GIS data in Virtual Reality 0