Publications tagged `RACISM`
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A Democracy In Color Racism is a structure that begins within the mind. As poet Keno Evol once said, our words create worlds. Let us use ours, as colored writers worldwide, to create liberation. 50
Just Say It There comes a time when it is necessary for good people to speak out. This is that time and this is the place. Together we can tear down the walls built of silence. 17
Unpacking Implicit Bias Discussing implicit bias as a function of racism 14
The Secular Seamless Garment The consistent life ethic is a philosophy that opposes the killing of human beings, whether through war, the death penalty, euthanasia, abortion, or other violence. We oppose racism, ableism, and poverty. All people have intrinsic value by virtue of being human. 8
Dismantling Whiteness A Medium publication that explores the deceptive social construct of whiteness and race. 7
OutSpoken If You Like To Rant, We Have An Outlet 6
Teaching The Next Gen Tales of teaching, fighting for social justice, and standing alongside my kids of color. I am determined to use my place of status and privilege as a white cisgender woman to support my LGBTQ+, minority, and immigrant students. 6
His&Her Story Read stories featuring perspectives that are often shut out from the media 6
olastruth The articles and musings of disability lifestyle expert Ola Ojewumi. 5
Just Words Fallacy A narrative insurrection. Just Words Fallacy advocates a philosophy of Radical Secularism that excises religion from government and seeks, thereby, to ensure genuinely equal Justice for all. 5
Beyond Heart Mountain Beyond Heart Mountain is a memoir about a Baby Boomer growing up in Wyoming following World War II/ 2
B Is For Blog The personal blog of B Nguyen Fei 1
Here We Rest HERE WE REST is a series of essays and features that uses research and interviews from current or previous Alabamians to answer the question: “Why do you live here?” or “Why did you leave?” 1
Airbrushed History This is a space to share the reality of whitewashed history. The history lessons have been curated and shortlisted as per the liking of the Whitewashed society. Perpetrators of Slavery and Colonisation are still celebrated and their families live royal life. 1
Society Scrutiny The goal of this publication is to help put eyes on the issues of society! Help be a part of the change that is needed in our society today! From Mental Health & Relationships to Social Justice and Politics. We cover many different issues! Let your voice be heard! 1