Publications tagged `STATISTICS`
Name Followers
Data Science Micro This publication will publish brief articles on data science theory, algorithms, tools and applications. 3
Data Decision & Intelligence Data Decision & Intelligence curated simple yet special stories to enhance your knowledge in the field of cognitive and decision sciences. One stop hub to taste stimulated statistics, advance artificial intelligence & boosted bioinformatics also synergy between Psychology and AI. 1
Data Diving Where data science and marine biology intersect. While squarely support ocean conservation, we understand that moral duty alone won’t drive change. So, we’ll simply explain what the data say and let you make the calls. 1
Life with Barry This is an *attempt* to organize the vastly different types of writing that have no semblance of organization in my profile. Love, trauma, joy, growth, philosophy, statistics, artificial intelligence, few things are off limits. AMA! 1
Fancy Data Toaster Data science for discriminating palates. 0
Sapphire Seeker Project Sapphire Seeker Project is a community aiming for next-gen data science ecosystem. 0
Software Science Musings on Math, Data Science, and Sotware Engineering 0
Popstistics We take a close look at the statistics and data from film, books, television, video games, and music. How likely are you to die in Elm Street? What is the optimal number of years in the future to set a film? Find out the answers to these questions and more. 0