Publications tagged `PRIVACY`
Name Followers
Digitally Vicarious The Virtual Version Of Your Analogue Life 1
Camera Culture The Camera Culture group is part of the MIT Media Lab. The group conducts multi-disciplinary research in physical (e.g., sensors, health-tech), digital (e.g., automating machine learning) and global (e.g., geomaps, autonomous mobility) domains. 1
altdel We are the new in town. Read our latest articles, while we work on bringing our best to Medium. 1
Data Protection The latest developments in privacy, data protection, and big tech shenanigans. Get my newsletter: 1
Human Data Point A think tank for personal data, privacy, digital footprinting and the quantified self 0
The Extra Screw The Medium publication for 0
Random Click Long and Short writes up on Digital Security and Privacy, Artificial Intelligence and some time on health. 0
Mithril Security Mithril Security is a startup focused on confidential computing with Intel SGX. We want to provide easy to use solutions based on secure enclaves, and aim to democratize this technology through comprehensible articles. 0