Publications tagged `INFRASTRUCTURE`
Name Followers
csictf 7
Sendcloud Engineering The Engineering team @ Sendcloud delivering tech content at your doorstep 6
Indonesia-UK Infrastructure Assocation We are a group of academics and practitioners who aim to bring together ideas and people for future collaboration in the infrastructure field 5
Midtype We help frontend engineers build amazing apps. 3
The Hillhouse Newsletter Our newsletter brings to you world-class analysis, combining our regional expertise on Central Asia with insights from our flagship Hillhouse Sentiment Analysis Tool that uses big data to identify opinion trends. Contact us to learn about retaining Hillhouse for custom analysis. 3
BRINFAITH What is the religious impact of China’s intensification of ties and infrastructures linking it to the rest of Asia and beyond? 3
oneloop The official Hyperloop team of UC Davis 2 Engineering Finding the best job for you with technology 2
First Resonance Engineering First Resonance is changing the way people build hardware… with software. 1