Publications tagged `LOCATION INTELLIGENCE`
Name Followers
Foursquare News and stories from the team at Foursquare 3,392
Spatial Data Science Building the next generation skills for GIS and Geospatial data scientists. 1,534
Locale Making location based insights an integral part of everyday business decisions. 70 Mapify is the platform to build scalable enterprise real-time location intelligence solutions 18
Iggy Tech Making the world’s data accessible 15
NGIS Australia At NGIS, we are passionate about the power of geospatial technology — from something as humble as a customised Google Map, to an advanced Earth Observations project that has the ability to enact positive change at a global scale. 11
LOCUS Engineering The engineering team behind LOCUS — the location analytics platform 7
LocTruth A location intelligence company connecting real-world intelligence with online people journeys — empower your understanding, decision-making, and prediction with the where. 6