Publications tagged `EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY`
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Global Education Connections Global Education Connections is produced by GlobalEd Events and the Global Education Conference Network. Find news, ideas, and resources for connecting classrooms and organizations worldwide. Contributions from global educators are welcome! 1,573
Tech-Based Teaching: Computational Thinking in the Classroom Collaborate and share experiences, tools, and ideas on implementing computational thinking in the classroom. By and for teachers, students, and learners. 412
Digital Equity Writing from ISTE’s Digital Equity Personal Learning Network 62
Ahead of the Code We are NWP teachers and colleagues reflecting on our teaching of writing in a time of rapidly developing AI technology and digital assistance tools. 23
Ready Teacher One Supporting teachers and classrooms with emerging technologies. Associated with the Mixed, Augmented and Virtural Realities in Learning Research Group (MAVR), AR/VR Developers and educational designers worldwide. 20
The Higher Learning Futurist Critical reviews of innovative and disruptive approaches to teaching, learning, research and administration in the higher education space 17
SoLAR Nexus Learning Analytics is what we do. Community is what makes us grow. 12
Sown To Grow Empower students to set goals, reflect on strategies, and learn how to learn 5
Homeless Mind Poetry, essays and thoughts from a homeless mind 5
Learning Futures Designing the futures of learning and institutions of learning. 4
Scripted Spontaneity The musings of a science teacher, techie, and former marine biologist about the future of public education. Mostly. 3