Publications tagged `ORGANIZATION`
Name Followers
The GYST Get Your Shit Together —Organization Tips for Mind, Body, Career, Home, and Life 544
SpareBank 1 Utvikling Vi jobber med digitale løsninger hos SpareBank 1. Vi liker å skrive om det vi brenner for 225
Prolific Anthology Helping you live a creative & artistic life. 38
The Seemingly Unrelated Notes on the hidden principles that drive our choices 28
Life in Focus Photos are the snapshots of our lives. Mylio is an app that helps you organize your photos, streamline your workflow, and preserve your life story. 12
TheoryY On a mission to make work satisfactorily and meaningful: everything you need to know about Next Generation Organizations, how they work, why they work and how you can become one. 11
The Questions I investigate (possible) changes in society, technology and organizations and how they will impact you and me 0