Publications tagged `HORROR`
Name Followers
Midnight Mosaic Fiction Where genres mesh beneath moonlight to conjure beautiful, dark tales. 418
True Horror Stories Grab a cup of your favorite drink, and turn the lights because these horrific stories are no joke. We accept true stories, crime blogs, ghost stories, and anything that might be related to horror. 125
Keeping it spooky For anything and everything horror 63
The Snickering Skull The Snickering Skull is where humor & horror party 20
As Vast as Space and as Timeless as Infinity This blog will be dedicated primarily to horror and sci-fi media, chiefly film and television. 15
Killian Street A new place for horror and oddities 15
Dreams/Nightmares A place to post Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror fiction. Submissions taken from: 14
The Friday Fright New Horror and Sci-Fi Short Stories Every Friday — Open for Submissions! 6
The Quiet Narcissist Fiction and Whatever Else By Brandon Applegate 6
The Red Sweater Collected short stories, serial novels, sketches, and miscellanea by Joe Shetina. 4
Flexible Head Films and so on… 3
Redemption The publication of last resort for the tired, the poor, The huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my pen beside the golden door! 3
Horrorscope Learn your harrowing future, get important legal advice and don’t go out today. 2
Weekly Horror Stories And How They’re Written Today’s horror fans struggle finding good, original stories while also lacking practical tips on how to improve their craft. Our publication gives today’s horror fans the stories they crave and simple how-to’s so they can read and write great horror — every week. 2
Champagne and Zombies Our lore shapes us. 1