Publications tagged `BIG DATA ANALYTICS`
Name Followers
Hacking Analytics All around data & analytics topics 4,184
Datorama Engineering Building things the Datorama way 839
spikelab Our writings on Data Science, predictive modeling, big data analytics, and more. 203
Intel Analytics Software Better Insights Faster: Big Data Driving AI 188
Getindata Blog We are a group of specialists with multi-year experience in Big Data projects. Full engagement, true passion, continuous improvement and desire to challenge the status quo is a part our DNA. 99
Leanplum Engineering Solving big challenges in data and engineering. To find out more about Leanplum’s integrated mobile marketing platform, visit 44
Mammoth Analytics Journey of a data startup 37
Inside Doctrine Stories from the people who build Doctrine 34
Bedrockdbd We develop custom data solutions for our clients to be able to make insight-driven decisions, automate processes and operate more efficiently. In short, we help organisations evolve by using technology, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics 32
RavenPack RavenPack gives meaning to unstructured data. We enable our clients to quickly extract value and insights from large amounts of information. 31
Night Shift Development Blog Night Shift Development Blog 23
towardsdataanalytics We believe in democratizing Big Data and analytics ecosystem . This is an initiative to bring forth real world scenarios to the booming community of Analytics professionals 16
Machine learning Quest Learning how machines learn 8
LOCUS Engineering The engineering team behind LOCUS — the location analytics platform 7
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