Publications tagged `JUSTICE`
Name Followers
Love & Sex(ism) A sensible publication that doesn’t jump to conclusions. 121
JUST FASHION Radically reimagining the fashion industry with equity and justice for all. We are writers and industry professionals discussing not only why the fashion industry needs to change, but how to do it. 101
Pollen An online magazine about the environment, philosophy, conservation, and the places they meet. 81
The Justice Lab - A Critical Analysis For Justice Challenging our assumptions and sharpening our analyses. 77
A Murder Runs Through It A collection of writings about people who are both near or simply proximate who have left this world as a result of murder 60
They Matter Highlighting unsolved cases involving missing or murdered Black, brown, and/or Indigenous women because they matter. 56
The Sunflower Girl Co. Magazine designed to champion and uplift femme & gender non conforming voices across the country but with mad, intentional love to our east coast homes 31
Nico 's Ideas Follow to join the most controversial publication on Medium. The publication with the highest growth rate on Medium. 30
The Crime Logs The Crime Logs mission is bring awareness to crimes which are both solved and unsolved. We aim to bring a resolution to cases which remain open. 27
Encode Justice Encode Justice is a youth-led coalition championing justice under AI through policy, advocacy, research, education, content creation, and organizing. 26
THE FIRST SOLUTION “Let us be reminded that before there is a final solution, there must be a first solution, a second one, even a third. The move toward a final solution is not a jump. It takes one step, then another, then another.”  — Toni Morrison 26
The Scales of Injustice A publication focused on stories about (in)justice and the criminal justice system. 25
Imagining Justice in Baltimore In this blog, the ICJS will contribute the perspectives of local Jews, Christians and Muslims to the public conversation about religion and ethics in Baltimore. Each contributor represents her or his own opinion. We welcome and lift up this diversity of perspectives. 23
Digital Justice Collective Digital Justice Collective curates, amplifies, and supplements racial justice content, building a platform for radical healing and social change over the next decade. 21
Crime for a Cuppa 4 minute true crime stories, perfect for while you have a cuppa! 19