Publications tagged `NLP`
Name Followers
The Observe.AI Tech Blog Observe.AI’s official engineering blog, with insights on artificial intelligence, machine learning, design, processes, and culture. 10
iReadRx iReadRx builds ML models for complex chemistry discovery in patents 10 Natural Language Processing @ | Creating custom NLP solutions for businesses | We process your textual data ✨ 8
Linguaphile A Medium publication that aims to share ideas related to writing, reading, grammar, linguistics, and natural language processing. 7
The Della Blog A blog that discusses thought leadership topics and use cases for legal tech and contract review software like Della. 6
asymptoticlabs 5
DiveDeepAI Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning articles are at the heart of our medium collection, because it’s what we love to talk about. The engineers of DiveDeepAI created this section as a way for us all to share knowledge with each other and learn more together! 5
Accelerated Text Tables, charts, pictures are all useful in understanding our data but often we need a description — a story to tell us what are we looking at. Accelerated Text is a natural language generation tool which allows you to define data descriptions and then generates multiple versions 4 relies on a unique workflow and NLP technology to transform and structure your content into knowledge trees and databases of thousands of Q&A. We add AI overlay to Learning Management Systems (LMS) via our APIs and browser. 4
Computers learn English through NLP in Python NLP can help us to create machines and robots that can understand human emotions just like a normal person would do. Libraries like NLTK, SpaCy in Python are used in NLP. Corpus, Tokens, Metadata, Uni-gram, Bi-gram, Tri-gram, N-gram are important terms. 3
Kuzok Custom Deep Learning APIs 2
Creatext Creatext builds tools to help humans write text faster and better. 2
Fano Labs A deep-tech start-up focusing on AI for non-mainstream and mixed languages. 2
Novetta An Advanced Analytics Company 2
msakthiganesh ML Engineer 2