Publications tagged `SELF PUBLISHING`
Name Followers
Reedsy Short stories inspired by writing prompts. 1,242
Self Publishing Guide Self Publishing Guide is the place to go for all things self publishing related including writing, covers, editing, marketing, and selling books. We desire to give you all the information you need to be a successful self published author. 80
The Penmob Blog Writing tips, publishing insights, and the editing process. From Penmob, the platform for getting in-depth feedback on your writing. 40
Self Publish Magic Marketing, promotion, productivity and other tips for writers and authors 24
Mateja Klaric Books, dreams, and stories 12
Author Revolution Thoughts, tests, trials, and tribulations of being a successful indie author. 9
On Self-Publishing There was no better or more daunting time to self-publish pieces of any length and style than now. There are endless possibilities and as much competition. This publication offers epiphanies, thoughts, and advice on how to navigate this ever-changing but worth-exploring world. 4
My Writing Self Mostly for me. Some people might find it interesting. 1