Publications tagged `HCI`
Name Followers
Georgia Tech MS-HCI Writings from the HCI Master's students at Georgia Tech 123
Technically Social Translational Research on Technology & Social Behavior 18
GT Usable Privacy and Security Course This publication is where students of the CS 4803/8803 — UPS course will publish course content. 16
The Designer’s Speakeasy This began as an archive of my columns published in ACM Interactions, 2015 — 2020. It will evolve into an ongoing collective of guest writers and new ideas. 10
Health and HCI This is the blog for the Proactive Health lab (, at Indiana University. Here we share our latest work and thoughts on people, technology, health and wellbeing. 10
Mark G Brown Hey, I’m Mark 👋. I’m a UX Designer in London, I pride myself in being able to create experiences and products that balance people, businesses and technology. 0