Publications tagged `CEO`
Name Followers
CEO Quest Insights CEO Quest helps early and growth stage founders and CEOs accelerate growth and hit funding targets with evidence-based coaching in the business domains of product, revenue engine, funding, people, and systems design. 503
Chagency Helping SaaS CEOs reduce customer churn through developing experiences for users — giving them reasons to fall in love with the product and the company. Step by step, building brand equity. 56
Brian Grey Writings that matter (to me). 45
CEO Reads Articles specifically designed for CEOs to learn faster to lead further 19
The Founder’s Journal What I Wish I Knew as a Founder 8
digiTAX The CEO’s Bible. Helping you navigate through a complex world of changing tax rules directed at digital corporations 1
Jochen Schaefer-Suren CEO of the Hotel and Leisure division of Principal Real Estate Europe part of New York stock exchange listed Principal Financial Group. 0