Publications tagged `LONGEVITY`
Name Followers
Zero Fasting The official blog of the Zero Fasting app 3,126
Lifetizr Extending human healthy lifespan by bringing awareness and prevention at the center of the healthcare system. 372 Stories about biomedical technologies which could increase healthy human lifespan. We focus on healthspan, longevity, rejuvenation biotechnology, regenerative medicine, and life extension. 243
Body Age Buster Helping you make the choices to live longer better — tips, plans, action and motivation. 73
Extra Life Extra Life is a multiplatform project about a revolution in public health and medicine, including a new PBS series, book, and education platform. 14
Longevity Algos Deep Longevity develops digital models that let scientists and doctors understand and change the pace of human aging. Here we share our most recent research, case reports and comments on the current state of biogerontology. 12
Canadian Biohacker Bringing biohacking and anti-aging science to the mainstream and empowering you to optimize your mental and physical performance. 7
Methuselah Foundation The Methuselah Foundation is a medical charity advancing regenerative medicine to make 90 the new 50 by 2030. Methuselah’s goal is to enable humans to live longer, wiser, and better, by defeating age-related diseases and suffering. 4