Publications tagged `NARCISSISTIC ABUSE`
Name Followers
Narcissism and Abusive Relationships Learn about narcissists, NPD, and abusive relationships and what you can do 1,125
Karin Yearwood’s BrokenFlowerPots Self-Healing and Transformation from Abuse Using Expository Essays, Stories, and Perspectives on the Narcissistic Family 339
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Collaborators After the discard phase in a relationship with a personality disordered partner, there is severe trauma that can result in PTSD and other life altering turmoil. Recovery can be painfully slow with dysregulated brain chemicals, a physiological response, addiction, and more. 210
Little Red Survivor Surviving Narcissistic and Religious Abuse 154
The Wildflower Survivors of parental narcissistic abuse, rediscovering our true nature. 2