Publications tagged `SELF IMPROVEMENT`
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The Top Offensive Advice to achieve more, earn more, live more. 9
Meditations Meditations is first and foremost a philosophy publication, yet centered on practical wisdom. It is place for anyone to share their lessons in the art of living, to be intellectually inspired and challenged, and to celebrate the process of becoming a better person every day. 9
Finally Fed — Words for hungry seekers and half-fed warriors Words That Heal 8
pennypang-life A reflection of what goes on in my daily routine 8
Matt.Schach idealist and minimalist. personal diary. trying to leave the world a better place. 8
Wide Lit Eyes (Academic) Articles based on Current Psychology and Self-Confrontation. (Logo “Photo by Michael Descharles on Unsplash” and Main Page “Photo by CloudyPixel on Unsplash”) 8
Taking Tea With The Tao A publication about finding the way to fulfilment through peace and acceptance, recognising the universal flow in all things. 8
Better Man Lifestyle, productivity, relationships; helping one gentleman at a time become the best version of themselves. 8
The Ambidextrous Writer For the nicheless writers and readers. Enjoy articles on writing, psychology, self-improvement, culture & more 8
Mid-Life Moxie Mid-life can be hard for women. It’s a time of self-discovery unlike any other time. Let us be your guide. 8
Thoughts on the Human Psyche Let's think more. Let's think better. 7
Leading a Masterful Life Helping people structure their strong passion, purpose, healthy relationships and stronger, deeper connections with their joys and deepest desires. 7
Living Mindfully A personal revolution on living mindfully, one heartfelt moment at a time. 7
Wonderful Words, Defined A celebration of awesome, rarely used, highly novel words in the English language. 7
Life, It Happens Life happens, there’s no other way around it. Relationships, love, family, faith, work, & dreams are just a few key ingredients. No matter if they are building us up or breaking us down, we can’t stop it. But, we can learn from it and get better at it. Life happens, let’s enjoy. 7