Publications tagged `PYTHON3`
Name Followers
Data Runner Data Runner, basit ve öğretici alıştırmalar ile veri bilimi öğretilerinin, teorileri ve uygulamaları arasında köprüler kurmayı amaçlıyoruz. Bu amaç doğrultusunda nasıl yapılır yazıları, yeni teknolojilerin tanıtımı ve püf noktalarının anlatıldığı içerikleri bulabilirsiniz. 387
Data Science Everywhere Find the best articles related to Data Science 241
Code Python How-To’s and Python Tutorials 182
cisco-fpie Cisco Future Product Innovations and Engineering 18
Machine Learning Kickstart Often, beginners encounter confusions in learning AI and ML. They fear the mathematics and programming involved with this emerging technology. This publication aims to guide the readers in a direction, from where they can visualize their path towards success in this field. 9
level += 1 Adventures in Datascience 4
The Geekytorium Are you a newbie to the world of programming? Are these technical jargons making you pulling your hair out whilst trying to comprehend them? In that case, today is your lucky day, because you’ve landed at the right place! Over here you will find all technical concepts simplified. 4
Deep Learning with PyTorch This publication gives you an insight into deep learning 3
Prog-Ramming Solutions Learning and Trying to explain some of the complex domain in app development like CameraAPI and other core components in Android/IOS/Python etc. 2
Explaining Machine Learning to my Grandmother In this article we will review in the most simple terms, what Machine Learning is and why you should study it. 1
Machine Learning Concepts Machines play a very important role in the life of humans. We can’t imagine the life of humans without machines. So, let’s start to know more about machine learning models and automation to solve the real word problems. 1
Code Rider Best coding practices in Python and other languages. 1
Rigging Real ‘Artificially’ Solving real problems using machine learning 0
Python Blog Python programming tips, articles about the Python ecosystem, everything about Python 0