Publications tagged `R`
Name Followers
Data Girl Using fun datasets (and geeky stats) to explore a range of different topics. 31
evangelinelee Data Analysis in R 3
Explaining Machine Learning to my Grandmother In this article we will review in the most simple terms, what Machine Learning is and why you should study it. 1
Coach Neelon Helpful hints and ramblings about data analytics, cloud computing, sports or the intersection of all 3! 1
Analythium Cloud-native data science consulting 1
Learning The Data Science Way Making world a better place using Data Science 0
Emulation Nerd I am Multi-Disciplinary Engineer pursuing my M.S in Mathematics from BITS Pilani, interested in the field of AI and Data Science. I usually have not-so-novel approaches to understanding concepts and problem solving. They work better for me mostly and wanted to share those here. 0
Appsilon Data Science Appsilon provides innovative data analytics and machine learning solutions for Fortune 500 companies and non-profit organizations. Appsilon builds the world’s most advanced R Shiny dashboards. 0