Publications tagged `IDENTITY`
Name Followers
Name and None Writing on LGBTQ+ topics from trans/non-binary creators. 4
Chews and Swallows Humorous, healing-related musings by a fat, Black, pop-punk loving Pisces woman. 4
Negritude and Other Indomitable Qualities Begining to unpack the ways in which oppression forces the black subject to thirst for dignity and to demand respect. In what ways does the presence of an oppressive force change how the black subject understands identity, both their own and that of others? 4
Curious Being curious is about exploring perspective. Through the lenses of technology, media and culture we are ‘trained’ to perceive our world in a predetermined way. These musings are about my admiration and distrust of these three entities. 3
The Great Moravian Empire A Canadian in his forties explores his Czech familial history and the questions about ethnicity and identity that are unearthed. 2
Me Verses Identity Note: If my language is appropriative of your experience, do educate me on how I can be better. 1
Identity Crisis Focusing on everything that leaves us mystified by the identities we assume. 1
I’m Sorry, Rum Ham a moment, every Sunday, where I’m really, like, I’m trying like really hard not to cry 0
Tlatolli Creating and claiming a space for our voices, nuestras voces — Latinos, Latinas, Hispanics, Indigenas, Afro-Latin, all of us, with or without the X. Striving for unity, moving away from division. 0