Publications tagged `PYTHON`
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atoti atoti is a BI analytics platform combining a python library and a web application helping Quants, Data Analyst, Data Scientist and Business Users to collaborate, analyze and translate their data into business KPIs. It’s free! Check it out 176
Blog - Profil Software, Python Software House With Heart and Soul, Poland Read about Web (& Mobile) App Development using Python (Django, Flask, Pyramid), JS (Angular, React) and Agile (Scrum, Kanban). Tips and Tricks 170
TEJ-API 金融資料分析 新手上路|Rookie / 資料科學|Data Analysis / 量化分析|Quant / 實戰手冊|Application 166
HiredScore Engineering Creative engineers and data scientists telling stories about the engineering behind HiredScore. Join us! 148
Django & Rest Django & Django Rest Framework 142
Devyx Delivering insights into Tableau Server automation and data visualization. 141
AlmaBetter Your home for data science. Concepts, ideas, codes and blogs from students of AlmaBetter. We are building the next-gen AI ecosystem 126
Kurio Toolbox Engineering-related notes from your friendly neighbor, Kurio 125
The Polyglot Programmer Software Engineering, Coding, Algorithms, Tutorials and anything technology related. 124
programming-hacks Programming adventures in python, java, javascript 123
Python Geek Tips and recipes for better Python programming 123
Explorations in Python Practical and useful projects and tutorials in the Python programming language 114
EdibleSec Easily consumable information security stories :: 112
hackgenius When Curious is ready for inspiration, Imagination engages talent; When Talent meets opportunity, Community facilitates a hackathon; When a Hack delivers a diamond-in-the-rough, a privileged Genius is to be had; The world needs your contribution, so come hack your genius NOW! 111
Machine Learning Algorithms from scratch This publication is a group of important Machine learning algorithms which are implemented from scratch in Python. Maths behind every frequently used machine learning algorithm is discussed and made easy. 106