Publications tagged `CITIES`
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City Budgeting for Equity & Recovery Launched by Bloomberg Philanthropies in 2020, the WWC City Budgeting for Equity & Recovery program is designed to provide critical support to mayors & city financial leaders as they navigate these challenging fiscal times. This is a collection of the program’s insights. 5
SCENARIO JOURNAL Scenario Journal is an online publication focused on the next generation of urban landscapes. 3
GridlockPH Gridlock examines the pitfalls of urban congestion in Manila and how to work around them. It talks about the history of transport policy decisions and the future of work in a developing country already buckling under the weight of COVID-19. 3
Streetlight A city travel blog by Tom Matsuda. 2
Life in the (Not So) Big City Reflections, commentary, and criticisms on urban and suburban lifestyles 0
COVID-19 Public Sector Resources A resource center, curated by the Ash Center at Harvard Kennedy School, for public sector practitioners to highlight cases, teaching, policy solutions, and other examples of how governments are responding to the outbreak 0
Advanced Reporting: The City A platform for the words and art—Q&As, features, profiles and case studies—from a capstone class on covering cities, and how they’re changing. 0