Publications tagged `GUIDES AND TUTORIALS`
Name Followers
Living in Israel Information and perspectives about living in Israel from olim past and present. 55
Number One Tip We publish the “Number One Tip” on anything connected to life, the planet earth, and the universe. 49
Coding GYM It’s all about coding training for developers 11
ShiroDiscordBot ShiroBot is a cool discord bot which is trying to do all the work required for a discord server in an All-In-One bot. 4
A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming an Entrepreneur People are full of great ideas. Many are sitting on a few right now, but are too scared to turn them into reality because they don’t know where to begin. This is a guide for all the entrepreneurs who don’t know what they don’t know and need some guidance in getting going. 2
Kotlin and Kotlin for Android Programming guides, techniques, tools and tips for software development with Kotlin and native applications development for Android mobile devices. 2
The Gaming Lounge We cover everything from Fortnite to Destiny 2, PC gaming to consoles, Steam sales to major news leaks, and the weirdest gaming details. The Gaming Lounge is the best place to get your gaming news. 2
The Engineering & Technology Guides Guild Here you will find stories of “how to” guides, experiences, failures, experiments, research and development. A toolbox for engineers and techies to find solutions to their problems or just curious on how things work 0
The Beginner’s Guide I write things we know from different aspects. You can’t go beyond knowing the beginner level 0