Publications tagged `AGRICULTURE`
Name Followers
oneearth One Earth is dedicated to scaling philanthropic resources to achieve the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. 53
Data Kisaan The external world’s window to Carnot DataLabs, which aims to modernize the agricultural ecosystem in India by using data-driven insights to impact tractor sales, marketing and financing. 40
Geora A commercial blockchain protocol to trace, trade and finance agriculture supply chains. 26
Food Project We’re the only legal project in the U.S. focused solely on dismantling industrial animal ag— particularly, the structures that enable the consolidation of corporate power and extractive systems — and supporting a regenerative, humane food system owned by independent farmers. 25
Headstorm Technology Consulting 24
Symbrosia Seaweed feed for livestock methane emission reductions. 10
GreenForges Smart Underground Farms 6
IATP The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy works locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade systems 5
Farmsby Find topic’s ranging from agriculture trends and news to farm tutorials, agribusiness and economics, and nutritional benefits of different food categories🌿🌿 4
Learning to Feed the World Discovering ideas and making connections in food and agriculture to learn how we can feed more people, better. 1
Advertising in the Agriculture Industry This is a publication endeavor of a digital advertising agency called Natives. Focusing on our agricultural projects, we want to make an impact on the way everyday agricultural work is portrayed. 1
Stories of Food Production Food is the one thing that unifies us all. The backside of the food we eat is the stories of how it develops from soil to plate. Learn about the methods and issues within food production from people actually producing the foods we eat. 1