Publications tagged `FUTURISM`
Name Followers
The Pyrate Futurist Before we end up domesticated, let’s rewrite the rules and take our agency back. Let’s go Pyrate! 8
Reality Reduced Humanity’s goals, threats, and tools to creating a fantastic future. 8
MBF-data-science Data science, science policy, occasional book and games reviews, and general commentary. 7
1001Epochs Publications Through the platform, 1001 Epochs, our teams work on researching the human-computer interface and discovering novel human-centered AI applications. Our main goal is to create a common playing field between data science and art. 7
Virtual Metaphysics Looking at the future with large spoonfuls of creativity 5
Induction Science, tech and humanities. 4
Transhumanist Transhumanist explorations 2
The Alt Perspective The Alt Perspective aims to become the pulse of a collection of current and future alternative perspectives that can surround any real world possibility. Especially if they aren’t exactly mainstream. Let’s explore perspectives, with dimension — The Alt Perspective. 1
the digital ethicist Debate and analysis on the ethics of advanced digital technologies such as AI and robotics. 0
Fresh Mold On a mission to explore and establish a vibrant equilibrium of self, culture, and nature through research and communication 0
Forward In Time Cogitation is about learning from the world around us and discussing ways to improve as individuals and as a species. We welcome thoughtful, introspective, and positive discussion. If you‘re a friendly person with a curious and constructive nature, this is the place for you. 0