Publications tagged `MLOPS`
Name Followers The MLOps Community fills the swiftly growing need to share real-world Machine Learning Operations best practices from engineers in the field. 519
InfuseAI Effortless Deep Learning Nexus 235
Artefact Engineering and Data Science Artefact is a tech company dedicated to solving data challenges by combining state-of-the-art Machine Learning and advanced software engineering. We leverage our business knowledge to deliver tailor-made solutions and bring value to our clients. @ Artefact 203
featurepreneur Microprediction/Analytics for Everyone! We help volunteers to do analytics/prediction on any data! 170
Data rocks Our experience shared as we learn it. 38
WhyLabs The AI Observability Platform. We take the pain out of model and data monitoring so that you spend less time firefighting and more time building models: @whylabs 15
domino-research The Domino R&D team builds open-source tools that help Data Scientists and ML engineers do their jobs better and faster. We publish our research insights and maintain a set of open source tools 8
Datatron Automate the standardized deployment, monitoring, governance, and validation of all your models to be developed in any environment. 2