Publications tagged `CORONAVIRUS`
Name Followers
Coronavirus Chronicles What is the coronavirus and how does it impact our lives? We examine the human side of the coronavirus. Writers are Luke (biology researcher) and Andy (a guy who writes stuff). 9
Bay Area COVID-19 Quarantine Log Dispatches from within a global pandemic 9
Broad Street Blog: Pandemonium 2020 A series about pandemic, politics, and the times that are changing as we’re living . 9
Family Medicine Case Notes from the COVID-19 Frontlines Case Notes from the COVID-19 Front Lines compiles stories and resources from doctors on the front lines of Covid-19 care. The stories are vetted by a team of physicians and editors at the Annals of Family Medicine and the Association of Departments of Family Medicine. 8
I Hope This Finds You Well Quarantined writers in their own words. 4
Mindfulness in the Face of a Global Pandemic Exploring how mindfulness practices are helping everyday people through the storm at hand. 2
Steven Solomon An insight into how the Coronavirus pandemic has impacted Olympic Athletes preparing for the Tokyo Olympic Games 1