Name Followers
Anatolian Insider Analytical and concise, AI does biweekly Turkey Outlook and deepdive pieces on Turkey and EMEA. 16
Hybrid Analyst Hybrid Analyst: A look at today’s threats, risks, and global affairs. Written by Michael Lortz, 15+ years in US National Security, MA Intl Affairs, MBA. Simple man trying to make his way in the universe. 16
Silenced Voices Democracy, Gender, and Security 14
Bellare A publication for international policy and American defense news 11
Contact Report The CIDP is part of the School of Policy Studies at Queen’s University and is one of Canada’s most active research centres on international security. 10
Ru-PAC Ru-PAC is an independent, non-profit and non-governmental organization dedicated to developing and strengthening the relationship between the United States and Russia. 10
Monda Observanto Rethinking the world, providing our readers with insights on current world affairs that are not widely discussed, yet by no means any less important 7
Funboat Diplomacy Stories and perspectives from around the world about the diverse histories, people, cultures, and interactions from the individual to the global 4
The (Un)Realpolitik Reviews and analysis surrounding nowadays policies, conflicts and news. 3
Geostrategy A publication about Geostrategy, Geopolitics and the History of International Relations 2
Ramos Review Thinking globally, writing locally. Just a place for my personal thoughts and opinions. Not reflective of any employer or sponsor. Currently pursuing a degree in political science with minors in international relations and history. 1
Think Clearly Politics, Culture, and Everything In Between 0