Publications tagged `MATH`
Name Followers
Cantor’s Paradise Medium’s #1 Math Publication 15,178
Math Hacks Tutorials with a fresh perspective. 14,126
Q.E.D. Reimagining the learning and teaching of mathematics 4,025
MathAdam Maths is like finger-painting. Messy and beautiful. 959
Math Simplified Simplified is a publication aiming at making mathematics accessible and enjoyable. 422
Background Thread We're all about Computer Science. We might even say that all we see around are ones and zeroes, shaped up in a lambda-like structures. 324
Emergent Phenomena A medium publication for discovering and sharing secrets of our complex everyday world 94
Compounding Interest Podcast We are a community of academics, investors, and entrepreneurs that publish 92
The Particle A collective of science communicators and science enthusiasts, writing about what matters in accessible terms. 89
Einstein’s Cup Of Tea A physics, mathematics and astronomy publication. 83
Girl Genius Girl Genius is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit striving to connect, empower, and inspire female changemakers passionate about STEAM worldwide 41
Betamat - EN Betemat is a creation that aims to produce maths-related content. 37
Geoclid All about Euclidean Geometry: theorems, problems, solutions, and more! 23
Pragmatic Computer Science In this blog, I want to show that: a) there are real production problems that can be solved with computer science; b) computer science is not about “reverse a linked list” from a typical coding interview. 21
The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences — a consortium of 10 universities promoting research in and application of the mathematical sciences of the highest international calibre. 20