Publications tagged `RENEWABLE ENERGY`
Name Followers
International Climate Change Development Initiative Africa A leading youth voice on Climate Change which seeks to build a climate-smart generation across Africa while identifying key development issues affecting population across Africa especially in Nigeria through creative dialogues and innovations. 23
Efficiency for Access Stories, research summaries, and off- and weak-grid appliance market trends from Efficiency for Access, a coalition promoting energy efficiency as a potent catalyst in global clean energy access efforts. 19
RES Software Team Thoughts from the Software Team at Renewable Energy Systems (RES) 15
Earth 47 Fighting climate change, one ton of CO2 at a time 7
Bigger Than Us Bigger Than Us is a publication where sustainability-focused industry leaders and entrepreneurs share their stories. 5
A Balanced Transition Promoting an all-of-the-above pathway to a sustainable society. 4
Climate Solutions & Environmental Justice For people who care about and study socio-environmental interactions, climate change, and environmental justice. 2
Undivided Planet Working to bring people, policy, and industry together to create a sustainable future. 2
Peaxy Peaxy ends data silos and enables predictive AI analytics to help advance your business. 2
Proxima Solutions Committed to drive digitalization and guide renewable energy asset owners to a more profitable business. 1